File/Preferences: Change shared gNMR preferences Plot/Options: Change the spectrum appearance Plot/Horz / 2: Halve horizontal spectrum size Plot/Horz * 2: Double horizontal spectrum size Plot/Vert / 2: Halve vertical spectrum size Plot/Vert * 2: Double vertical spectrum size Edit/Undo Edit/Paste Edit/Copy Edit/Cut Molecule/Exchange: Move to the exchange window Iterate/Assignments: Select a window or nucleus for assignments File/Import: Import a molecule from ChemDraw/ChemIntosh/ChemWindow/Isis Edit/Paste Molecule: Paste a molecule from the clipboard, replacing the current molecule File/Print: Print top window contents File/Save: Save current file File/Open: Open an existing spectrum file File/New: Create a new, empty data file The button bar provides shortcuts for menu choices